My dear friend Sarah. Our families have lived next door to each other since I was 5 years old. She taught me how to walk to school in kindergarten. Our kindergarten teacher told all the other teachers to keep us and our friends separated the rest of elementary school because we were a "social class". We got in trouble in 6th grade for passing notes. I can't read lips so she had to pretend to have to throw something away and pass me a note while walking to the trash can. She went to a dance freshman year with HeeJun. She was a bridesmaid in my wedding.
She and her awesome hubby live in Colorado now with a precious new miracle. I got to go visit her this weekend and cuddle her little baby!
I have amazing friends. there is not "elephant in the room" when they are around. They let me talk about HeeJun all I want. They understand my inappropriate responses or my tears at weird times. they allow me the chance to laugh and to be joyful. The blanket of grief was still there on the trip. However, it was a cool sheet there to bring me comfort, rather than a heavy blanket weighing me down.
I recognize that picture from the scenic overlook on US 36 just east of Boulder! My hometown! Glad you enjoyed the great state of Colorado.
Love that bit about the grief "sheet!"
It is good to see you smile... a real smile! :)
Next time, please stuff me in your suitcase! I need a vacay!
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