(This is how lazy I have become. I couldn't even take the time to wash a spoon, so I dug through the large spoon and spatula bin and found this spoon to use instead.)
I went to a concert this weekend. Third Day. Tenth Avenue North. Newsboys. Fireflight. Newsong. Every moment was absolutely incredible. We were so close I could almost touch them, literally. If I was only Elasta-Woman.
Ps. If you are friends with anyone from Tenth Avenue North, your mission is to introduce me. Now!
The best part of the concert....other than seeing the 11 and 12 year olds I was with praising God, and the fact that I could actually sing a praise song without feeling utter disappointment and sadness, or the fact that I was so giddy and joyful I could have busted (it really helps that those guys are unbelievably hot),... was spending time with HeeJun's best friend from college, Carrie. Carrie and I played Wii and let the pups have a fun play date on Saturday. Sunday we headed to the concert. She is one of those blessings that has happened since HeeJun's death. One of those "i'm glad it happened, but wish it wasn't under these circumstances" blessings. Her friendship is profound. While we were dancing to the Wii Just Dance and jumping up and down screaming for Third Day, I had a wonderful thought that HeeJun would be laughing his butt off watching us in amazement. 

I love this post!
You are so funny with that huge, serving spoon!
Your weekend sounds incredible, with an even more incredible friend!
The fur-babies are precious!
And, I know HeeJ was laughing at you! I'm laughing just thinking about ya'll!
Thanks for making me smile tonight. :)
I busted out laughing when I saw that picture. So your posts are funny lately...I hope it's ok to say that. I know you're still hurting very much, but you do have a great sense of humor that comes through in your writing.
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