Sunday, January 24, 2010


I have finished several things in the past week.

The scrapbook is completed.

The journal of all the memories I have of HeeJun is on the last page and last memory.

I "graduated" from my counseling sessions.

Moorea is going to graduate from puppy class this week.

I can't describe what I have been feeling lately. If someone asks me how I am doing, or what i have been up to, I honestly can't recall. I can only tell you what I am feeling right then, at that very moment. Unless I am reminded of something, "oh yeah, that's right, I did go to a concert; oh yeah, that's right, i did meet up with friends; oh yeah,I did get teary-eyed at that party...", i have a hard time remembering. It's not memory loss. I think I'm just taking the saying "one moment at a time" very literally.

So, if you catch me in those moments where I am laughing and enjoying work,


abandonedsouls said...

i know what you mean. you are in my thoughts.

Brittany said...

Yay! So happy that the scrapbook is finished! It is HUGE!

There are still days when I have to take life "one moment at a time."