HeeJun didn't like parties. It was one of the things that first attracted me to him. He didn't need to fit in or to be social to feel good about himself. He was confident in himself. He would have much rather sat at home watching a good movie, than go out and be social.
Well, apparently, I like to party. I enjoy having friends over and planning fun times.
Our agency Holiday party was canceled this year, so I decided to host an Tacky Un-Holiday Party for my team. Ugly Christmas sweaters, Spiked Egg Nog, Ginger Bread House making, Elf on DVD, A Dirty Santa Gift Exchange, and Wii. The night before I thought to myself, "what was I thinking?" A grieving widow should not put herself through something like that. But once every one showed up, and thanks to my troops last week for helping me clean, I actually had fun! Wii might be the best invention ever.
HeeJun would have hated it. Maybe, not hated. But he would have laughed at the drinking fools. He probably would have given me the stink eye when i drank that glass of wine, too. He would have loved the Wii though.
Doing something like this was a big step for me. I wasn't sure where to put HeeJun's pictures and the scrapbook. Would it make them uncomfortable? They all know me, so would it be weirder if the pictures weren't out. I told my friend that at work I can put on a brave face and be distracted, but at home, I'm still a crying mess. So having the work life merge into the home life, was a big deal for me. Also, having alcohol in the fridge was a big deal, too! Going to the ABC store was the biggest deal! 

Fantastic!!! I'm so proud of you!
Sounds like so much fun!!!
It is good to see you enjoying yourself!
And, you recycled! :)
Good for you Erica! Now please don't run out of cookies or you too may ruin Christmas!
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