don't say it at all...
That is why i haven't posted in a while. I just was tired of being gloomy, and tired of my own voice. Because, geez louise, I miss him. I've been told that grief comes in waves often. You think you're done dealing with something and then boom, it's there again.
when i told my counselor some of the things going through my head, she said, "girl, you are IN it". i sighed with relief. thank goodness someone noticed. She gave me "homework" to write down and carry with me some scripture verses to encourage me and remind me of His truths throughout the day. So, what's your favorite verse?
ok. no more gloomy.
the troops came in this weekend! They helped me shop for tacky holiday decorations. Garden Ridge baffled our minds!
They brought me food to last months!
They cleaned, vacuumed, dusted, literally on their hands and knees scrubbing the shower drain! That is a true friend!
We decorated the tacky house til past midnight, in the cold. Some of them are mothers of infants, running on no sleep. That's a true friend!
They each gave me a tacky (or beautiful, depending on your taste) decoration.
please note to pink flamigos!
bah humbug! I even have a hat that says BAH HUMBUG to wear!
We looked through the scrapbook; it's almost complete!
See...I'm smiling.

"I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have drawn you with loving kindness. I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt. Again you will take up you tamborines and go out and dance with the joyful."
I love to see you smiling in your pictures! Those were REAL smiles!
I know you are "IN it" and riding the widow wave (as I like to call it!), but you are stronger than you know.
You are blessed with fabulous friends. And, I have a feeling that you have blessed them too. I know I feel that way, and we have never even met! :)
BTW, the last verse that you closed the post with... it shot me straight in the gut and quiet tears rolled out of my eyes.
Love. It.
I look forward to hearing whatever you have to say.
Gloomy or positive.
It is a journal of YOUR healing and growing. Just write what feels right for you.
We'll be hear to read it.
So many things I could say to respond to this post. I'll skip all of that and get on to the real stuff. Where in the world did you get that shirt??
Love the picture :)
who knew you could look so pretty in that hideous cat shirt?! that may need to be your new profile pic on fb.
and as for this fun weekend- the pleasure was all OURS. you have been such a huge blessing to all of us and it was so great to be able to show you how thankful we are for you.
by the way, did i happen to mention that before i made it home i may have gone back to IKEA and spent like $60 more? Yikes! thanks for that introduction... me and IKEA will be friends for life!
I am so glad that you have wonderful friends too! I had a surprise as well from the girls in my church,last Thursday. We had a Christmas party at MY house. It is a long story, they made me wear a mask and get in the car so I had no idea where Tara was driving me to. But I chose to trust her and I was overwhelmed of everyone's love. Missing Jason a lot these days, hard moments I have to say,especially when my daughter sees me crying. I continue to trust in our Lord,just as I know you do. It is a journey,my friend and one day we'll get to that wonderful destination: heaven!Praying for you this month!
Praise God for the precious friends has given us!! On a more serious note, those are some of the ugliest decorations I've even seen, LOVE IT!!
I love that picture of you! :) It was such a fun weekend and I'm so glad I came! It was a blessing being able to serve you. It went by too fast and I hate that I missed IKEA. Prob. better for my wallet though :) Look forward to seeing you again soon.
Love you-Beth
And no-my blog is still not updated HAHA
This post is awesome! What a sweet gift to have friends who love you so much! And yes, those decorations are AMAZING! ;-)
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